X00 Administrative Group

Research Promotion Group: Coordination and Summary Ueno Yuichiro
Tokyo Tech., Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Professor

Research Promotion Group: Shared Facilities Management Nakamura Ryuhei
Tokyo Tech., Earth-Life Science Institute, Professor

Research Promotion Group: International Networking Eric Smith
Tokyo Tech., Earth-Life Science Institute, Specially Appointed Professor

Research Promotion Group: Planning and Coordination Suzuki Shino
RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research (CPR), Chief Scientist

Research Promotion Group: Planning and Coordination Kitadai Norio
JAMSTEC, Institute for Extra-cutting-edge Science and Technology Avant-garde Research, Group Sub-leader

Secretariat: Social Outreach Fuyutsuki Seba
Sophia University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Associate Professor

Secretariat: Young Scientist Support Ozaki Kazumi
Tokyo Tech., Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Associate Professor

Secretariat: Project Clerk Watanabe Shio
Tokyo Tech., Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

Secretariat: Plannning Group Clerk Daimon Hiromi
Tokyo Tech., Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

A01 Theory Group

PI Ozaki Kazumi
Tokyo Tech., Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Associate Professor

Fuyutsuki Seba
Sophia University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Associate Professor

Kurokawa Hiroyuki
Tokyo University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Associate Professor

Kawashima Yui
Tohoku University TI-FRIS, Assistant Professor

Hamano Keiko
Tokyo Tech., Earth-Life Science Institute, Research Scientist

Hong Peng
Chiba Institute of Technology, Planetary Exploration Research Center, Research Scientist (until 2023/3/31)

A02 Geochemistry Group

PI Ueno Yuichiro
Tokyo Tech., Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Professor

Yamada Keita
Tokyo Tech., School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Associate Professor

Aoki Shohei
Tokyo University, Graduate School of Frontier Science, Lecturer

Gilbert Alexis
Tokyo Tech., Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Associate Professor

A03 Biology Group

PI Suzuki Shino
JAXA, Institute for Space and Astronautical Science, Associate Professor

Kato Souichiro
AIST, Bioproduction Research Institute, Group Leader

Shimizu Yoshihiro
Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Group Leader

Ishii Shunichi
JAMSTEC, Institute for Extra-cutting-edge Science and Technology Avant-garde Research, Researcher

Fukuyama Yuto
JAMSTEC, Research Institute for Marine Resources Utilization, PD Researcher

Amikura Kazuaki
JAXA, Institute for Space and Astronautical Science, Invited Research

A04 Chemistry Group

PI Kitadai Norio 
JAMSTEC, Institute for Extra-cutting-edge Science and Technology Avant-garde Research, Group Sub-leader

Nakamura Ryuhei
Tokyo Tech., Earth-Life Science Institute, Professor

Yamamoto Masahiro
JAMSTEC, Institute for Extra-cutting-edge Science and Technology Avant-garde Research, Researcher Scientist

Yamaguchi Akira
Tokyo Tech., Earth-Life Science Institute, Associate Professor

Li Yamei
Tokyo Tech., Earth-Life Science Institute, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor

Oka Hideshi
RIKEN, Center for Sustainable Resource Science, Research Scientist

Eric Smith 
Tokyo Tech., Earth-Life Science Institute, Specially Appointed Professor

Publicly Offered Research

2023 ー 2025 

Yoshinobu Jun 

Tokyo University, The Institute for Solid State Physics, Professor

Seto Mayumi 

Nara Women’s University, Natural Sciences, Assistant Professor

Yoshida Tatsuya 

Tohoku University, Graduate School of Science, Reseacher

Sagawa Hideo 

Kyoto Sangyo University, Faculty of Science, Professor

Nakagawa Hiromu 

Tohoku University, Graduate School of Science, Assistant professor

Fujishiro Takashi 

Saitama University, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Associate Professor

Watanabe Tomohiro 

Hokkaido University, Institute of Low Temperature Science, Assistant Professor

Sakai Sanae 

JAMSTEC, X-star, Research Technician

Chiba Yoko 

Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, CSRS, Senior Researcher

Igarashi Kensuke 

AIST, Life Science and Biotechnology, Researcher